Failure One More Time

Hi ladies just want to share with you guys how I'm feeling right this minute..

I feel like a complete failure to myself and my family. I have been ttc for a little more than a year now and nothing has happened. Everyday I thank God for my son that I have with me right now he is 5 yrs old. It hurts me so much to hear him that he wants a baby brother/sister, and family members telling me when are you guys having another one? It's time now! etc.. etc.. I hate to see my husband's face when he holds someone else's baby and just looks at me saying I want one too.. he doesn't blame me at all. It just hurts me so much. That I can't give my husband and my son another baby. I was suppose to get my period on the 13th and nothing yet so I decided to test a couple mins ago and it came out NEGATIVE!! My hopes were very high and now once again they fall completely!! For those who are pregnant please enjoy every second of your pregnancy congratulations to all, and those still trying many many blessings to yall. As of NOW I GIVE UP!! I'm tired of missed periods falls alarms and having to go through this every other month thinking this month is the month and nothing :(

Thankyou for reading