So.. Anyone who has a breast pump..

So my mom bought my brothers wife a breast pump about a year ago and she paid over 200 for it. So now that I'm pregnant and deciding to breastfeed, my brother told me and my fiance we can buy it for 350 dollars. But today my brothers wife texted and said I can buy it for 75 dollars as long as I promise to give it back when she gets pregnant again. This is coming from a girl who was only a one time thing with my brother and she got knocked up and then they got married. See they met through my cousin his girlfriend and my brothers now wife was best friends and since my cousins girlfriend was pregnant she told Rachel(my brothers wife) about my brother and that she should get pregnant by him. Well she did and he of course not knowing about that at the time married her. She don't take care of her child, she is over a year old and they just started giving her baby rice and cereal last month. When she was younger she had a big flat spot on her head because they wouldn't ever fix her and they let her sit for hours even while crying. I mean don't get me wrong sometimes babies cry and you let them cry it out. But this is totally different. I guess what bothers me is that she is saying she'll do 75 for a year old breast pump that's been used. And at first was asking 350. I can go get a new one for 75 and still have money left over..