getting ready for IVF retrieval.

Stacey • TTC #1 for 5 yrs. MFI & PCOS. Aug & Sept 2016 IUI — BFN ❌. IVF/ICSI•10/27 - 0 eggs. IVF#2 1/29 - Fresh transfer of two 5 day embryos. Expecting twin boys!! At 28w we found out Twin A no longer had a heartbeat 💔 Both boys born at 33w on 8/30/17. Maverick


So I'm 9dpIUI and 11dpt, I can help myself so I tested trigger again. (I'm seriously a POAS addict!!) I need a support group for this! It's still very very very very faint, but there. 

Anyways, <a href="">IVF</a> consult update-- Begin BC on next CD1 for two weeks. Then begin stims for 10-12 days(Gonal F 250, Lo Dose HCG 20, Dexamethasone .25). Then when time is right trigger (Leuprolide & Novarel). Also will have Cetrotide & PIO. We are going to do <a href="">IVF</a> w ICSI and FET, no PGS. We will put 2 embryos back in (assuming we have them). We are all cash pay and are at $17,000 before any meds. Retrieval is expected for Mid-October, then wait for AF and then transfer. (He's guessing December). He is very concerned with OHSS and my PCOS causing poor egg quality. He is giving us 60% success rate though. Scary part is he said he just had a girl who had 42 eggs retrieved and none made it to day 5. I would be crushed. I'm sure I'm forgetting something so just ask!