Anybody checks cervix position?


I have been checking my cervix daily for a couple of months... as AF approaches my cervix is really low! And ovulation it gets pretty high..this month I narrowed down my ovulation day 15 to be exact...but I have a 38 day cycle. (So I guess my 2ww is now a 3ww?) Well anyway I have had a lot of muscle spasms In my uterus...almost like an eye twitch, and mild cramping...some whitish cervical mucus...I also got this kind of sharp pain in my uterus it was somewhat noticeable...and lasted for a few minutes...and never happened again...

Well I'm 2 days late...and my cervix has risen up...and I have little white discharge...I wanna kinda wait it out to test BC I don't won't to get disappointed... But what do y'all think? Any personal experiences? Experiences with a bfp?