weirdest S/O stories?!! 😭

Okay so I gotta hear yall's weird relationship stories or just a weird story in general 😂
Mine was with my (ex) boyfriend who was really super curious about tampons. 
I was on my period and he pulled a tampon out my purse and proceeded to unwrap it. He then examined the plastic tube and then made a 'o' with his fingers and tried to put it through it. I was dozing off when his happened but I opened my eyes when the tampon fell on my lap. I sat up and I was like 'Dude, wtf?' And I got a little mad st him that he was wasting a tampon 😂. He just looked at me and goes 'How does this thing work?!' I gave him the weirdest look and the next hour consisted of me answering his period and tampon questions, and trying my hardest to explain how no, I can't feel a tampon when it's in my vagina. It got to the point where he was so curious, we wanted to watch me put a tampon in 😂😂 I did, because I just didn't care. I mean he had already seen that part of me, so why not?Â