Short BD rant

I have a 19month old from another relationship, and his dad is a deadbeat. He doesn't pay shit and will send a FB message every few weeks/months that says "how's Jace?" And after I respond, he tries to tell me how his life is going 🙄 like I give a shit. Well I live in Tulsa. If you haven't heard about the shooting controversy, google it. BLM is sending in agitators, there have been protests and there's threats of riots with the intention of pulling people from their cars, beating them, lighting cars of fire etc. it's rough here right now to say the least. And you know what? My stupid worthless BD hasn't even bothered to check and make sure his son is okay. Not a word for a month. I mean, come on. At least fucking try to be a decent deadbeat parent for a damn minute 😡