Courtney • Gave birth to the love of my life on 9/21/2016 😍😍. I’m due with baby #2 9/17/18!! I can't love anything or anyone more than I do my babies 💙💙💙
My little man arrived at 1026a on 9/21/2016!!!  Weighing in at 7lbs. 12oz, and 21" long!!!  Welcome to the world, Anyhony Michael 👶🏻🍼💕😍😍😍😍💙
Was induced on 9/20/2016 at 6a, was 1cm, pretty thinned, but was given cervadil to help thin my cervix and dilate me.  At 6pm, I was still at 1cm, so I was given another round.  Contractions started getting stronger and closer together around 11p, was given pain meds to help me sleep, but couldn't.  Got the epidural around 230a, was able to get about 3 hours of sleep until the nurse came to check on the 2nd round of cervadil at 730.  She said I was at a 4, almost 5!!  Started pitocin at 8a, she came in to up the dosage at 830, and said if I feel  a gush of fluid to call her.  Three minutes later, called her back in to confirm what I felt, and sure enough, my water broke and I was at 8cm!!  Started pushing at 1011a, and had him out by 1026a, 5 pushes later 💕💕
Soooooo completely in love with him!  He's so perfect and mommy and daddy are head over heels in love with him 💕💕💕💙💙💙