Need some advice

Hey Ladies, just need a bit of advice.....
I had a bit of a scare Friday afternoon, had sharp pains in my lower abdomen so bad a was bent over on the bed and felt so sick. Half hour after I had a gush of blood, couldn't get off the toilet there was so much. So called the hospital they told me to go to a&e after 3 hours they finally saw me, I was bleeding so heavy and started losing clots. They did an ultrasound and saw baby's heart beat which was good. But they couldn't explain the bleeding but said I was having a threatened miscarriage. They told me to go home rest and keep an eye on the bleeding. I literally didn't do a thing yesterday laid in bed all day. Today still bleeding and have got more pains. I'm so emotional just can't stop crying. I'm 13 weeks today, I'm booked in for another scan tomorrow. Just want good news.