When You're a Wallflower 🌷


From the amount I type on this app, you guys might think I'm really social.But I'm actually been a wallflower. I have a couple close friends that I talk to a lot and if a class is really engaging I'll answer questions and make commentary, but for the most part I'm pretty quiet in class and only really  talk to my closer friends. I am friendly to everyone and try to make conversation, but at the same time I'm always on the edge of the social fence with groups of friends (like I'm friends individually with people in a group but I feel excluded from the group, like one friend group I know has already made all their homecoming plans and I'm not invited). Thing is, I like being alone sometimes and hanging out with big groups of people (i.e. more than 5 people) is overwhelming for me, but I do want to feel like I'm a part of things. 
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Literally I'm exactly the same way


Posted at
Hey I'm like that too. I wasn't exactly in a group but I kinda have been since I joined crew. I know you already do orchestra but are there any other extra curriculars you can do?


Mi • Sep 29, 2016
Okay thanks for the advice!


Lucielle • Sep 29, 2016
Find a friend who you are particularly fond of and hang out with them outside of school. And invite more people in the future and develop a group. Get what I'm saying? And it's not like some complex clique making thing it's like getting cool people together


Lucielle • Sep 29, 2016
Dance is v cool I wish we had dance! I gotcha tho if it's a class. Okay if finding a group is tricky, what I recommend and I did this, find people to hang out with alone. Get closer with them and perhaps they invite you to things. If not you invite people to things. You basically make the group.