it is as bad as everybody says!!


I kept putting off my 1-hour glucose test. I'm 35 weeks...and my doctor really wanted me to get it done before next weeks appointment(though I don't know how much difference it makes at this point)
But I just went back, drank the nasty orange liquid, and I'm waiting my hour.
It tastes absolutely terrible!! And I'm not sitting in the lobby trying not to vomit 😷
It really is as bad as everybody says.
I hope I pass...because I don't want to have to do the 3 hour one.
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Posted at
  It surprises me every time someone has a problem with this drink. It takes maybe 10 seconds to drink and tastes like flat soda? Maybe my stomach is just stronger?


Brittany • Sep 27, 2016
I also thought nothing wrong of it, wasn't bad at all.


katey • Sep 27, 2016
haha! the nurse was like how is it settling with you?? I was like uh fine lol no different than the diet Dr Pepper I'm going to have later.


Posted at
I really didn't find it bad at all, tastes like the orange pop McDonald's used to have. It is pointless that late in your pregnancy though, not much can be done maintenance wise as the baby is already matured. 


Amy • Sep 27, 2016


Amy • Sep 27, 2016
Of course it is, but you said it's pointless? And not everyone with GD has large babies. I know people with 10lbs without it. I've had three vaginally births all unassisted, the main problem is when the babies blood sugar is longer controlled by your body. That's why closer to delivery is most impor


Anne C • Sep 27, 2016
Blood sugars are important on all newborns, gestational diabetes or not we still monitor them closely. Gestational diabetes is tested for earlier to avoid large babies as then you run into the issue of assisted births and c sections.


Posted at
I hate orange flavored things but I got it down. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever drank and was definitely worth making sure baby was safe.


Posted at
It's not bad at all....


Posted at
For anybody wondering: I got my results back and passed with flying colors.No GD here :)


Posted at
Not bad at all lol


Posted at
Mine was cold and i drank it so fast from not eating i was thirsty and it wasnt bad at all.


Posted at
I didn't think it was bad at all. Mine was also orange and I had to be there for 2 hours. It was just a sweeter more condensed and flat version of orange soda. I never felt nauseous or weak and went to have lunch after. I think it just depends on each person. None of my friends who had children thought it was bad either.  Sorry you had such a bad experience! 


Posted at
Why would you wait that long? Its one hour outta your day. My doctor makes us get it before 28 weeks.


Ms • Sep 27, 2016
I really don't think I do...but I suppose most people don't think they have it.


Amy • Sep 27, 2016
Most clinics have reservations you can make. You make the time because it's important to your babies health. I really hope you don't have GD.


katey • Sep 27, 2016
ok but of you have diabetes wouldn't you want to know so that you could protect your baby??


Posted at
I have to get it between 25 and 28 weeks. Shocked you were able to get that far without it. It's not that bad.


Ms • Sep 27, 2016


Lisa • Sep 27, 2016
Oh wow. I just had my 20 week a point ent a couple weeks ago and they handed me the orange stuff and said selchedule it for next month. with a dirty look on my face I said yes master. lol


Ms • Sep 27, 2016
Mine wasn't even ordered until 28 weeks.