Urban Explorer [image]



"It was during college that I lived on campus and fancied myself some badass urband explorer. There was a older building that used to be a dorm hall on campus. It was borded up to keep people from getting in and had warning signs outside. So of course being the complete "badass" I was at the time I had to get in there.

I didn't really have a plan per say other than don't get busted and wear black. Campus security had stepped up there game recently for some reason but it's amazing what you can do with a crowbar. I ended up getting in through a first floor window pretty easy. Once I was inside I only had the illumination of my my phones flashlight app, which unfortunately was nearly dead because I forgot to charge it. Foresight isn't my strong point so I had to use it sparingly. Now I thought myself this ballsy big shot by breaking in alone but honestly I was scared shitless. This building was old, dark and smelled weird and the basement was supposed to be haunted. Of course that was my destination though, I wasn't about to puss out but I felt like at any moment something was going to come around a corner and get me. Anyway, the basement-

I found and went down the stairs to a door which I opened and went into a room...a totally normal room. It was dark and smelled, seemed colder and had a sticker floor that I would have liked but wasn't remarkable in any way. I turned the flashlight app on again and shined in across the room and on the far wall was another door. I figured it had to be the laundry room since that room was also located in the basement of the current dorm building. It was dead quiet and I thought ok I'll go in the room and then I can brag to my friends about how I explored the haunted basement.

I went into the door and it wasn't a laundry room. I don't know what it was but there was a drain in the middle of the floor that seemed to be clogged with a lot of some sort of shiny red organic looking matter. It pooled in the floor and I think I even saw some hair before I caught a glimpse of what I swear was a pentagram on the ceiling but then I fucking ran. Ran up the stairs and jumped out of the window I had came in like I had trained for it my whole life. I didn't stop until I made it to my dorm and didn't sleep until 4 am. I finally woke up about 11 which ment my room mate had left for class, but there was a piece of paper under the door and written in red ink was "Did you like what you saw last night?".

I'm sure someone was just fucking with me but damn, it worked."