random rant 😔

Nicole • 20 years old, 3 year old baby boy ❤️
I'm 16. I'm 33+6 weeks pregnant today. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm depressed. I ache. I cry myself to sleep. I got cheated on in the beginning of June by my boyfriend and baby daddy, and he kept it from me until August 13th, the day before I was going to start work again(where he worked). It sucks. We are "fixing things" I had to quit due to going into preterm labor twice after 3 weeks of working. I was even transported to a Hospital 2 hours away from my home and stayed TWO WEEKS there because I tested positive for the ffb test (sorry if that's the wrong abbreviation) and now I'm staying with my sister. I'm ready to have this baby. I'm afraid all my stress and negative mind is going to ruin my baby boy. His dad has ADHD and takes Adderall for it. My mom had ADHD and takes a non controlled substance medication for it as well. My kid will most likely deal with having to live with ADHD and I'm terrified that me going through this while pregnant with him is going to fuck him up and I'm very done being pregnant. My life completely crashed down on me and I'm overly stressed and everything's a mess. I can't tell my family that he did this because I'm supposed to move next week and he's supposed to move in with us and I decided myself that we were going to try and fix things because I wanted Grayson(unborn baby ) to have both his parents in his life. I have tried so hard, so, so, hard to be okay but I'm not. I don't know what to do and I'm terrified. My boyfriend is 18 and mind you I love the fuck out of this boy and my heart is completely broken. He's begged and begged and cried for me to wait. Not to forgive him or trust him or to forget. To wait. We are on a break because he needs to figure out where he went wrong. Our break is a faithful break he doesn't wanna go out and fuck other girls he wants to focus on himself and working (works 6 days a week because I can't work and I've made it clear he's paying for everything I can't which is the majority of it). I don't really know my purpose of this rant, I guess I just really needed to because I don't have anyone to talk to. If anyone has any advice about the stress affecting my unborn baby I'd love to hear it. Thank you for reading this