Brown Spotting 4w 3d?!

This is my first pregnancy (YAY! 🤗) and I don't have an appointment with a doctor until mid-October for a consultation and until November with my OBGYN. 
I have been spotting brown for a couple days - sometimes watery and sometimes clots (sorry for tmi). None of it has been pink or red, but I'm still concerned because I don't get to see a doctor for so long. 
I have taken HPTs each morning just to confirm that the line is getting darker so I know levels are rising. Today would be 14 DPO and I got my BPF at 10 DPO. The lines are still getting darker. 
Should I be worried? Is this normal? When should I call a doctor?
I was hoping to see a doctor right after I got a positive test so I could ask all my questions. 😩
Thanks everyone!💕💕💕