how to tell my parent...edit

My mama and daddy are VERY religious. I was havin sex behind they back because they don't believe in sex before marriage. I was always safe and always used protection. Now anyways I didn't think I was pregnant because I still got my monthly but the other week I swear I feel something move inside me so I took a test which came back negative. I felt it again the other day so I went to the doctors and they said I'm around 23 weeks pregnant. I'm still do shocked I didn't expect this to happen I'm only 17. I just know my daddy gone kick me out like he did my sister when she got pregnant out of wedlock. Me and this baby got no where to go no family to go to so I'm gonna have to give it up for adoption. But even then my family definitely would not accept me back I just don't know how to do this. 
We don't have family here in England, my family is originally from Italy and I have friends and stuff, but I obviously can't rely on them. My sister moved away with the father of her baby so I really just don't know what to do. I don't really have anyone to turn to tbh  Like seriously I know this is stupid turning to this app for advice because none of you really know my parents. I'm DREADING having this conversation because I'm still a kid. I thought I was grown up to have sex, I wasn't grown up enough to deal with the consequences even though I took precautions. My parents are horrible. My mother will more than likely beat this child outta me. I would rather kill myself. I just wish I could run away.