postpartum band

I am pregnant with my second, and I'm looking for belly band/postpartum corset recommendations. I didn't get anything after my daughter, and my stomach just stayed pregnant-looking (I seriously looked 6 months pregnant... still do, and I'm only 8 weeks). I'm looking for something that... for lack of a better way to put it... "squishes my innards back into my torso" instead of everything falling out into the loose skin. 
What worked for you? This is my last baby, and I really want to feel pretty again someday.  It really doesn't feel good to be lectured about having a glass of wine or eating something unhealthy "while pregnant" several months after having a baby.
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Going to the department store and buying a tummy smoother. It was a lifesaver, especially after a csection. Bought a few styles for different days, too. The underwear type, torso, middrift, smoothing tank shirts.. Etc


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Following! Same situation. I have a kangaroo pouch from my first and want it to be tight again after this one.