Birth story

I was due Aug 26th and hsd an appt that day. I was only 1 cm dilated and we scheduled induction for the following Monday hoping I would go into labor over the weekend. I spent the next two days eating spicy foods, dates, pineapple, bouncing on a ball, walking. Hahing sex.. nothing happened. Sunday night I became very anxious and started second guessing the scheduled induction. My appt was for 7 a.m. at 4 a.m., I woke up with mild cramping and thought this is it. I went to the restroom and there was the bloody show. I woke my husband with a head's up and we decided to just go in for appt and see what happened. The cramping continued and began to get a bit more intense. When we got to the check in, I was having to breathe through the contractions. I told the nurse I thought I was in labor. Sure enough, she checked and I was 3.5 cm dilated and fully effaced. She had me walk laps and called my dr. It was decided we would just wait to see if I would go on my own. A bit later my dr came and broke my water. From there things intensified and I ended up having my natural birth in 13.5 hours and delivering my surprising 10 lb beautiful boy. I was very happy with how things went down.