Getting pregnant "easy", sorry need to VENT

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

I see many many women saying things such as "I hate when people are TTC for just 3 months and get pregnant with their 3rd or 4th kid!" or "I been trying for 10 months for my first and every one else is on their 3rd or 5th after ttc for a whole month" or "my sister/SIL/Cousin just told the family she's pregnant. Again, and she doesn't even own a home or make 6 figures a year like me"!!!

Well, here's the thing. NONE OF US, can decide WHEN we get pregnant. Like everyone, one starts to TTC,Hoping it'll be an easy process, Not knowing how long it'll take.

This pregnany, I am now almost 11 weeks. And i got pregnant After 3 cycles. It could have taken a month, it could have taken a year. But it took 3 cycles. Can i help it? No. Was the baby wanted and planned for? Of course it was. Is it our first? No. We have a 12 yr old son. As well as 9 year old B/G twins, who were born at just 29 weeks, and fought for their lives for months in the NICU.

Am I less grateful Bc it's our 4th, and not our first. Absolutely not. Im blessed. I'm very grateful. We wanted one last baby. I had my paragard IUD removed and 3 months later, here we are. Expecting. Our 4th.

I understand people venting. I actually encourage it. As thats what Im doing myself. Getting something off my chest.

I just want to say that the Couples who get/got pregnant "quick" or "faster"than someone else, didnt choose it.

saying things like, "be grateful for the kids you already have" is hurtful it's like saying Im not deserving of a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th.

Now, there are people who get pregnant and it's unplanned. maybe even unwanted. That can be teens, single moms, married people. It happens. I know its heartbreaking to get a negative after negative when it seems like every person around you is popping up pregnant.

Here's the thing tho, none of us can help when it happens. if we could, wed all be pregnant right now. So saying things of that nature really doesn't help anything! It might make you feel better to vent and if so, that's great. I kind of see it as focusing on the negative myself tho. ... Reminding yourself over and over that youre not pregnant. Maybe I'm wrong tho. I do feel like one is saying we're not grateful for our children or pregnancy just bc we got pregnant "quick." I can see and understand when one says, "Yay, Another pregnancy announced, and I'm still struggling, and it hurts me to see so many people getting pregnant and I wish I was pregnant"

I can't identify with infertility and I won't try to pretend I know how it is. I can only imagine it.

But I Do have trouble AFTER getting pregnant. I have to have weekly progesterone shots from 16weeks on, bc ive always went into labor at 21-26 weeks. I travel 90 minutes one way, to my specialist high risk Dr 2x a month from the start, and I am put on hospital bed rest starting at 6 months. sometimes earlier. There's more issues then that, but just naming a few struggles. So while i can usually get pregnant "fast" doesnt mean i dont have struggles! I can say I hate infertility Bc I hate to see anyone suffer in pain,and every couple who wants a family, deserves that. And I wish all of the couples struggling with fertility problems all the love and prayers I can offer.

I just want people to understand the other side. that couples who get pregnant quickly, are very thankful. And they shouldn't be judged or Looked at differently Bc of how long they we're TTC.

TTC means you're starting to try to get pregnant. It may happen the First time, or in 3-6 months, or in a year, or several years. As a women, we can't choose when thatll be!!!

TTC is a journey. For some, a short one, for others, a long one.

We can't choose how long the journey will take, and everyone should celebrate when they finally do get pregnant. Its worth a celebration! One doesn't have to congratulate every pregnant woman who announces her news. One doesnt have to act happy or even be happy.

Just know, we all start ttc the same way.

-End vent.