My not as planned birth story


Let me start by saying I planned for an all natural/ unmedicated water birth. But our baby boy had other plans.

Our baby boy due 9.16.16 decided to come on 9.20.16 instead. I woke up on 9.18 around 4 am and I felt a gush. My water definitely broke. I was giving 12 hours to go into labor on my own. I didn't have one contraction. At 12 hours we headed to the hospital, I had a mix of emotions. We get checked in and baby looks great. Still no contractions. I was given another 12 hours to hopefully start labor naturally. Still nothing. I noticed that my leakage had changed colors to a greenish color. The doctor confirmed he had passed meconium. I became a little worried. At the 24 hour markers I had no choice but to be induced. I was given the pill that softens your cervix. Nothing. Second dose was given 4 hours later and finally about 2 hours later I started having contractions. At that point they also started pitocin. It had been about 32 hours after my water broke at this point. I lasted about 3 hours on pitocin before I was begging for an epidural. I knew I had dilated to a 3-4 , but no I was still at a 1cm. I wanted to cry. I get to bed get the epidural and I finally have a chance to relax. I lay there for about 2 hours and get checked, Yay I'm at 5cm! It's about 9pm. I get another 2 hours of rest and I wake up in pain. I can feel every contractions and I ask for more pain medication. I get checked to and I'm at 10cm and ready to push. I can feel everything. My body starts shaking uncontrollably, after 35 minutes of pushing our handsome son arrived. Julian was born at 12:11 weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces. He came out griping his umbilical cord.

Talk about an experience