My birthing story

So my doctor had me schedule a c section due to pelvic bone not opening. Me and my bf left 6 am to drop my son off and arrived at the hospital @ 7:30am for a 8 am appointment. They sent me to this room with three other women in hospital beds divided by curtains. In there they prepared me for surgery shave,change clothes, get on the baby monitor etc... I was then sent to get the spinal block @ 10:15am it was the worst they kept stabbing me in the lower back for some reason they couldn't get it in after at least 15 horrific times I couldn't stand the pain and I felt bad because I was moving. So I am a plus size woman and he has the nerve to ask me how big was in with NY first kid I was actually bigger 60lbs ... But I had to be put to sleep @ 10:50am which hurt because you have this plan in you head and you want it to work out but my daughter was born @ 11:13am Kali Elizabeth she had to be put in the nicu because her breathing I couldn't hold her for 12hr but she finally got to come in the room with us to stay the rest of the time and I just love her to death she was 7lb 10oz 19inches long. Thanks for reading!