miscarriage or nah?

me and my bf had unprotected sex two days after my period ended and then i didn't get my period for tw whole months to the point that i got a blood pregnancy test and everything.

The day after i got back the results (last friday) me and my bf had sex again and we started feeling that the environment was getting too wet so we looked down and there was blood on the bed. We stood up and as he was admiring my buttcheeks and pulling them towards him SPLAT! The biggest pool of blood fell out of me all of a sudden.

He proceeded to clean me and the floor and surroundings and we got in the shower where two smaller but still very full puddles fell out of me again. I thought that was the beginning of my period but i only bled that day. I kept on having pranks from that friday to this friday, when i got my period for real.

i've heard that sometimes you misscarry without even knowing so i want to know what is going on with my body. Opinions are welcome