bit late but here's my story 💙

So on the 21st sept I had midwife appt, was considering having a sweep done but wasn't sure so she checked me out anyways and I was 3cm dilated, she done the sweep and said that if he wasn't here in the next few days then she would be very shocked.
Well was having back pain on and off for the rest of the day(didn't think nothing of it).  Didn't go asleep until midnight and my SO couldn't get to sleep at all so just laid in bed playing games on his phone, woke up at 01.30am on the 22nd with contractions, started timing them and by 02.30 they we're already 3 minutes apart, luckily the hospital is 2 minutes from my house and by  04.30 I was 6cm so was transferred up to the birthing pool, got into the bath and relaxed it was so soothing and started on the gas and air at 06.30 by 08.30 I was 9cm and they examined me to find his head was turned to the side, I got to 10cm at 10 and was ready to start pushing, but just seemed to give up(I was so scared at how much it was going to hurt and all that kept going through my head was "what if I tear") I wanted some stronger pain relief but my midwife told me by the time I had given birth they would of only just started working and really gave me the encouragement to get through it. Finally at after the midwife telling me if I don't start pushing now(11.30) I would have to go down to the delivery suite and forceps would need to be used😱. 
All I remember saying to the midwife is "why do they make the hole so small" 😅
By 12.40 our beautiful baby boy had arrived  albeit very awkwardly with his head sideways and his arm up by his neck! 
So so proud of myself I spent half of the time In the pool, only got out as I projectile vomited into the water as missed the sick bowl! And only using gas and air, and only came away with grazing to my labia, although I lost 700ml of blood so they decided to keep me in as well as the fact the that I passed out in the bathroom in my room as saw blood run down my leg, luckily my amazing partner was there to help and called for help he was so scared 🙁
Give yourself a medal if you have got this far didn't realise it would be this long, but that's my story and I would do it all over again, my life is now complete 💙💙
My amazing fiance and our baby boy
Just 1 minute old 💙💙