BP Scare

So we had an appointment Friday (34+5). Wife had protein in her urine and had three high BP readings : 140/90, 138/92, and 147/97. We were sent to triage for monitoring; baby girl's heartbeat stayed steady and she was kicking the monitors like crazy and wife's BP was reading normally again, so they sent us home, but she was told to stay in bed until our appointment tomorrow. 
Bed rest sucks. Luckily it's only for this one weekend, but with the readings she's been getting this weekend, we may be looking at rest until she's induced around 37 weeks (at the earliest). Highest reading at the office was 147/97, and it's gone down, but average readings at home have been 125-135/80-90. Not great. Our appointment is for an ultrasound to make sure this isn't causing any growth restrictions and to check her blood pressure again. 
Does anybody have any suggestions for my wife keeping busy and maybe even trying to lower her BP? It's driving her nuts because she's been nesting like crazy, but can't do anything about it until she's cleared.