just had terrible experience at hospital

Sinclair • 👶🏽👼🏽
We lost our baby today 😢😢 I was 10w2d and all of a sudden a miscarriage happens. I'm so depressed. My fiancé is depressed i know it. It sucks to have to go through this experience knowing you was going to give your all for this baby. My first child. I'm suppose to be moving 2hrs away from home and it just added more stress. I cant believe it would be because of my age. I'm only 18yrs. 16yr olds out here getting pregnant ( not being rude). I just don't know how this can happen. It's embarrassing to sit there and finally tell my mom about it and then the same day it's gone. I was looking forward to having my lil baby. Was supper excited. I wish miscarriages never happens to anyone. Why am I being forced to not have my baby and these other females out having abortions when they could've had a healthy baby. Well I can't. Hopefully in the future this won't happen again. It's like I had so much good for this baby and it really sucks. I'm sorry for all the moms who had miscarriages or can't have children. I know it has to suck.