Am I Wrong?

Rogue • Mommy of 2. 💖 Nurse.

So I officially ended a relationship I was in for some time. I packed up a left someone I loved because of emotional & physical abuse.

Although I  wanted us to experience this together, there was no real support. Of course, once I broke things off I became every "BITCH" in the book. Smh.... He even threatened me & our unborn life. A week later I found out I had a STD... I confronted him and he blamed it on me. I've never cheated tho... But I told him I was considering thinking of other names for our unborn than the one we decided on when together. He said if I do change his child name from a JR, he won't have relations with him at all (which hurts). My reasoning is my loyalty is no longer to him, as he was NEVER loyal to me. He fucked up by giving me a STD & harming our child. I'm so mad at myself because I seen the signs of him cheating, but i never questioned him. I don't want to feel as if I'm making a huge mistake by naming my son after him nor' do I want people to think I changed the name out of spite... Am I wrong? I need opinions... My baby is due Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>!