Red Spotting & Sharp Cramps.

So today I had a scare. Had some sharp cramping specifically to one side and bright red spotting. Last week I had light spotting that was dark brown and when I called they said it was normal. Today it was a different story. They wanted me to go into emerg. I balled and balled. I was scared and sad. I thought for sure there was something wrong. I googled my symptoms and it said ectopic pregnancy. This is mine and my husbands first pregnancy and if we have learned anything today, it is that google is really not your friend. Long story short, the dr did an external ultrasound and my bean is safe and sound. I just wanted to share my experience today with you girls to try and ease your minds if you are experiencing any spotting and painful cramping. I think if you are experiencing these symptoms, you most definitely should go get checked, but try not to panic and stay positive. Your bean needs you to be relaxed and stress free.