
Okay. I need to vent as well as just find out if I'm the only one dealing with this. I am 39+4, due in THREE DAYS. My body is slowly getting itself ready for labor, according to my doctor and chiropractor. When something new happens (such as losing a part of my MP as well as clearly seeing/feeling the baby much lower than ever, etc) I inform my husband like a normal person, because I am excited and because he should be aware! Duh! Well anytime I bring something up indicating labor is near (even though it clearly could be another week, who knows?!) he just bitches me out about how "he's not 40 weeks yet and it's not time, quit doing things that will make him come too soon." Among other things like that (he said this to me today). FYI, the ONLY thing I have done is start using Evening Primrose Oil, per my doctor and doula. We all know this doesn't START labor, only to try to help the cervix soften and dilate. He is always downing me and stressing me out about going into labor because I KNOW he will just rip me a new one AS IF I HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER WHEN IT HAPPENS. It's like... does he not realize that our due dates are simply estimates? I could already be 40 weeks or more for all we know!! WHY are men such assholes? He always gets so mean about it, as if HE is the one who has carried this baby all these months. He knows how hard this pregnancy has been (even though HE was my #1 stressor the entire time) but he still acts like he has the right to preach to me about when I'm 'allowed' to go into labor. If he thinks I won't kick his ass out of the labor room for acting like this he is in for a very rude awakening! Sorry it's so long, but I mean WTF!!!