Am I being irrational??

I have been married for 8 years, my husband has an 18 year old daughter from his previous marriage and for a very sudden situation came to live with us almost two months ago. Since I met my husband I've always known of his desire that she lives with him/us, I'm happy that she is now with him and has a much better quality of life with us, but my husband has no boundaries!, she always comes with us everywhere, the other day he even wanted to take her on a double date (of course I said no way and he seem to understand), we are also trying to have our first baby together and the other day he started explaining her that and talking about the results of his sperm analysis to her and I got super upset and I told him that having a baby wasn't s family project and she had no businesses knowing about that, again seem to understand, but still I feel like if I want to have some alone time with him I have to make an appointment otherwise she'll tag along. Those little things bother me, like I made the comment that I wanted to see x play, next thing he's asking her if she likes the theater and I had to jump in and say "just us", and he said ok. I understand that he wants to spend time with her because his ex kept her away for a long time, I have no problem that they spend time together bonding, but he doesn't do it!! Just takes her to school and picks her up or takes her to appointments, I'm the one doing the bonding, we go out for coffee, walks, salon, I'm teaching her to drive, etc. I have no problem personally with her but I wish my husband would get it instead of me having to complain all the time. I haven't brought it up because I'm not sure, maybe I AM overreacting, what do you guys think?? What should I do?