having a baby ruined my sex life

my daughter is 4 months old. my first and only child. She was a bit big compared to my frame and I had quite some trouble bringing her into the world. 3 hours of pushing and a 4th degree episiotomy later, with the assistance of a vacuum, she was finally born. having that many stitches I waited the full six weeks before having sex and since her birth, my boyfriend and I have had sex maybe 10 times at the most, most of which neither of us came. Sex is too painful to me. still. and I want so badly to enjoy it but it's just very uncomfortable. when stitching me up I feel like they pulled everything a little too tight so it's almost like my vagina needs to be stretched out again I guess. but it just hurts. and I feel bad because my boyfriend is also missing out on pleasure 😭🙈 any experienced mommies have any tips for getting the spark back and making sex more enjoyable again? I'm getting depressed over this