Relationship Sucks.

Im here to vent more than anything because I have no one else or anywhere else for that matter. I'm 18w. I've been with my SO for 1.5y. And am pregnant with out birth control baby. Im currently working full time 50hr a week. My SO cant keep a job. He doesnt do any housework. Our relationship is absolute shit anymore. We dont talk. We argue or bicker. We barely sleep in the same bed anymore let alone have sex. I've been the one to get everything for our baby. Hes worked 3 weeks out of the past 4 months.i love him but lately I would rather not come home. Im already overwhelmed with work I'm starting college full time and being pregnant. Im tired of doing it on my own. Im tired of constantly being the bad guy because i come home from a 10hr shift to a dirty house, and heaven forbid I complained. I'm to the point where I would much rather be a single mom than raise a baby and a grown ass man. Im just so tired.