
I have had a crush on someone on my soccer team since I was a freshman and they were a sophomore. This was my first year at the school I currently attend. I am now a junior and she is a senior. She came out last year and was dating a girl for a while but ever since she came out..she's been acting different towards me. I don't really know if it's in a good way or a bad way. Sometimes she pushes me harder than others and other times she is harder on me than the others. When I've needed advice on things, she's been there and given me advice. She didn't really have anything to do with me until this past year and it's really confusing me. I have came close so many times to telling her about my crush but each time I chicken out. I don't know if she's very lowkey trying to give me signs or is fighting with herself on this and I just want your girls' advice; I'm not sure what to do or think of the situation.