high risk for pre-eclampsia?

Anyone else been labelled as high risk for pre-eclampsia? FTM, 10 weeks + 5, history of kidney problems caused by a birth defect in my right kidney, just seen the renal/maternal medicine team today and they've concluded I'm high risk for pre-eclampsia due to the high blood pressure readings I've been having so far during my pregnancy. Been ordered to take low dose asprin once daily for my whole pregnancy to help prevent it, and been told I will have to have a couple more scans later on in my pregnancy to monitor the blood flow to baby through placenta. Also, if I present with 2 more urine infections will also have to take daily antibiotics as I was already prone to infections prior to pregnancy and every infection I get runs the risk of getting back to my kidney through the defect, and every kidney infection scars my kidney a little more!
Anyone else have experience with high blood pressure/pre-eclampsia? Or kidney problems during pregnancy? Do feel a little anxious about the effect this will all have on my little one! Feel like I'm a right pain in the bum for the medical team, getting pregnant and risking all these problems!