Omg I'm ready to scream

My boyfriend has been haunting me for sex

My hole pregnancy and now that I had the baby and it's been 4 weeks he's been haunting me nonstop. I couldn't have it during my pregnancy due to painful sex , and now im healing from the baby but I would do other things to get him off , oral , anal , HJ. and I feel like it's not enough now that my 6 appt coming up he's nagging me and nagging me.

I told him 6-8 wks is the normal range , I ripped while pushing my son out , and it still hurts. He told me that if I want to wait any longer than 6 wks I'm lieing and it's cause I Don't wanna have sex which is not true I'm just sick of of painful intercorse and I want to be able to enjoy it for once ... he's just not understanding and it's mentally exhausting with how much he brings it up. :( he made me feel so shitty rn idek what to do anymore 😢
