Miscarriage September 23rd, 2016 💔

Michél 🦋 • Baby dust ❤️
I had a miscarriage not to long ago, I was 8 weeks & 4 days... It was my first pregnancy.. I went to the ER 3 times because of spotting that lasted 2 weeks but I didn't experience any cramping. They told me I didn't have any signs of miscarriage, my baby had a strong hb... 2 days after my last visit at the ER I had a unexpected miscarriage... I started to bleed more than spotting and experienced cramping.. I don't know how it happened but I cried alot, I wanted thiz baby so bad.. I don't want to loose faith, we want to try and conceive again. I'm just scared that thiz happens again. 💔💔 My doctor said to wait atleast 3 months. 😢😢😢