Avoiding NICU? C section at 37 wks

My original due date was Nov 2 but I developed hypertension and preeclampsia at 34 weeks when I spent 3 nights in the hospital for monitoring. I was put on blood pressure medication which has been helping keep my pressures down.
I'm now 36 weeks and having a scheduled c section at 37 weeks on October 12th. They didn't think I'd make it until the 12th but I'm glad I think I will make it!
I got two steroid shots 24 hours apart about a week ago to help develop the baby's lungs and I am hoping that'll help enough to avoid any NICU time and be able to have my baby come home with us after the overnights I will spend at the hospital following my c section.
When I was 34 weeks, 3 days an ultrasound I had measured him at 5 lbs, 1 oz so I am hoping he will be big enough (maybe 6 lbs or so?) when I deliver at 37 weeks.
I know there are many factors that determine if he needs NICU time but would being born at 37 weeks, 6+ lbs and having had the steroid shots give him a strong chance of being healthy? I had no complications with the baby during my pregnancy. Just me developing preeclampsia and hypertension and the baby has been constantly monitored and always had a strong heartbeat, good measurements, blood flow, and fluid
Glad I can make it to 37 weeks! Anyone have any thoughts or want to share their experience? 
This is my first baby