Changing doctors at 23 weeks?

LauraAnn 🎀
A little background first. I've always used the same hospital system. For YEARS. Any insurance I've ever had they've accepted. It's what I'm most comfortable and happy with. My OBGYN since I was 18 (8 years now) delivered my first baby and was my doctor that pregnancy. Unfortunately when I found out this time I was pregnant again, we had different insurance and I had to completely switch. New doctor and hospital system. To put it mildly, I hate it. I dread my appointments, I feel like my doctor is so informal and barely says 2 words. Our insurance is changing yet again in the next 2 weeks and back to something my old doctor accepts. So my question is, does anyone know if I'll be able to switch? I'll be 23 weeks on Saturday. I can't help that it's changing, but can they say no anyway? I know I'm halfway through but to be able to be back with my old doctor and deliver where I want would make me feel so much better. Anyone have a similar experience?