help? what's wrong with me!

I know this doesn't have really anything to do with periods but I don't know who else to ask but a group of smart women lol. Ok so I think I have mono (I'm 14) my dad won't take me to get tested because he thinks everything can be "walked off" 🤔 but these are my symptoms 
- fatigue (I've been sleeping about 14-16 hours a night! And I just can't get myself out of bed in the mornings)
- sore throat (doesn't look bad at all and I don't have tonsils. It looks fine and nothing swollen but my neck and chest hurt so bad I can't move sometimes and hurts really bad to breath and swallow)
- occasionally my stomach aches but not a lot 
- occasional fever 
- sore eyes and lots of headaches / ear aches 
I think it's mono because I drank after my friend countless times and she has mono so it would make since if that's where I got it. Do you think it's mono? If it is what should I do