Our baby girl will Arive in 7 hours!!!!

Wow this hole 9 months has flown even though it's been one of the hardest things I've ever gone thrue in my life due to back and hip dislocation problems the hole time. As we speak I lay to go to sleep with the knowing in my mind I'll be up in 3 hours to get dressed then on our way to the hospital to welcome our little angel into the world, what a crazy feeling when complete reality sets in. Now it's not your ideal perfect planned pregnancy as my baby has gastrochesis, a defect that her intestines developed outside her body so she is gonna have to have surgery after she's born then transfered to another hospital so I won't be able to be with her for several days because I'm having a c-section due to my back and hip problems which leaves me admitted for 4 days. Such a bitter sweet time. Keep us in your prayers for a fast recovery for both heavenly and i. Thanks for reading our storyl