protecting my daughter

I just need some insight to see if I'm overreacting. This may be a long post. So two years ago my youngest brother started dating this woman who had a three year old child. They moved really quick and after three months moved in together. While she was working he would watch her son. A week before they actually moved in, while my brother was watching her son somehow her son broke his arm. They brought him to the hospital and noticed some suspicious bruising in addition to the broken arm. Since he was three they just noted it, patched him up and sent them home. Exactly a week later, my brother was watchig her son again and supposedly fell down the stairs breaking his other arm. They brought him back to the same hospital and ended up admitting him since both his eyes were black and swollen shut. His face was all bruised him and he had some swelling on the brain. They called CPS and eventually filed charges against my brother. He ended up taking a plea deal for child endangerment and was put on probation. This girl ended up staying with my brother, gave up her rights to her son and soon got pregnant. After my nephew was born she left my brother and moved back in with her parents. My brother ended up following her, decided to live out of his truck, and began going psychotic. He put a knife up to her new boyfriends throat, tried kidnapping her, tried running her over. She got s restraining order and he violated that. Ended up going to jail for a while. He is now out and living with my parents. He has been so unpredictable the last few years it's been scary. My other brother is getting married this Saturday. They do not want my crazy brother to go to the wedding. My crazy brother ruins everything and causes a lot of drama everywhere he goes. My parents decided to disregard my brothers wishes and invite crazy to the wedding. I have a daughter who is going to be 15 days old at this wedding. I have expressed my wishes not to have my crazy brother around her and that as long as he lives with my parents, we will not be visiting. They are welcome to come to our house to see her. Now that my crazy brother is going to the wedding I feel torn. My parents know where I stand but yet disregarded my wishes by having him around her. They have continuously chose my brother over me and my other brother time and time again. I'm so sick of being the responsible one but yet not respected. Apart of me wants to bring my daughter to the wedding but let no one hold her except my husband and I. I feel bad for doing that but I can control who is around my daughter. Another part of me wants to leave her with my inlaws. I feel so bad for my brother getting married because he is running the chance of my other brother causing a scene. Sorry for the long post, I just needed to vent and make sure I'm not being overly hormonal.