Feeling possessive of baby - and she's not even here yet!

I'm going on for 34 weeks and the closer the due date gets the more possessive I feel of my unborn daughter. I don't like feeling this way and I don't like that I do - but it's really tough to ignore. I know that it mostly is about my MIL. She is a tough personality, borderline narcissistic and definitely emotionally unstable. My husband's relationship with her has been strained since before I let him and my relationship with her is strained although I keep my feelings to myself so she doesn't know how I really feel. MIL has never shown much interest in me or her own son except when it's convenient to her and she thinks it makes her look good. For instance, our wedding was all about her being the mother of the groom and taking credit for the wonderful man she raised, even though in reality she was very selfish and my husband is who is despite her and not because of her. My pregnancy now is all about her becoming a grandma, what a wonderful father SHE raised, "her baby," etc. she likes to lay a claim to people (me included) and it has always made me uncomfortable. Now that she's laying claim to my baby already, I already feel so possessive and defensive. I know she is going to be an overbearing grandma and want to basically take the glory as the new grandma, and it just makes my hair stand on end. Anyone else dealing with similar?