I've got the breech baby blues....

CS • First time mommy of the most amazing little girl💖
I found out today at my 35 week appointment that my baby is breech...my doctor gave me some stretches and exercises to try to turn her myself before my appointment next week...at which point if she hasn't turned, I need to decide between opting for an external version or scheduling a c-section. I'm hoping she ends up turning on her own, because I'm really not liking the idea or the odds of the external version, but I'm also a little sad about the thought of having a c-section. Obviously my main concern is getting her out safely, but it still sucks to know I don't have good odds of having a vaginal birth. My doctor/hospital doesn't do VBACs either, so I may never have that experience. On the bright side, since he used ultrasound to confirm her position, I got peace of mind knowing that she hasn't grown any boy parts since our anatomy scan so I don't have to worry about changing my pink nursery 😂 I'm just a little stressed and bummed out, I didn't want to share on my social media but needed to write it out. 😊