my fiancé acts like such a little kid.

Okay so I've cooked so much today for us I've washed all the dishes we recently moved into new place I've been on my feet pretty much a lot today between cleaning a little and exercise cooking and dishes. So I do all the dishes pretty much like 99% of them he's only done it like a couple times well I'm so tired and earlier I told him to do the dishes. His dishes I already did mine and I was so tired. Well he did it and he's so upset now he's not talking to me I sat on the bed about to eat this pumpkin sweet thing he comes in and turns light off while I'm opening it and it's dark in here so I'm like okay and ever since he's been playing on his phone and he laid down to sleep didn't say he loves me didn't give me a kiss anything like how fucking childish can he be? He can't be a child when he's about to have a child in about 7 days. 😒 sorry needed to vent.