my baby boy made it on his due date!!

Camden Matthew had arrived! He came exactly on his due date, my water broke at 12pm; we got all of our stuff together and drove 45 mins to the hospital, was having light to medium contractions, got to the hospital and then they started getting worse, fast. Within 20-30 mins of being here they were so bad I couldn't wait any longer to get the epidural. Which by the way was awful getting- they had to stick me like 8-10 times because my contractions were so bad at that point and they were trying to give it to me while I was having constant contractions sonit was really hard not to move. FINALLY I was feeling pain free and had almost forgotten about it. The monitor was showing that he was in distress every time I had a contraction, and he wasn't moving down into my pelvis, so they said we're going to wait a little longer but if he doesn't move down you'll have to have a c section. Which was so scary to me once I got in the OR, I was terrified I wasn't going to be numb enough and I was going to feel them cut me open lol, I was telling my husband how nervous I was and the nurse over heard and said OH! They've already started lol almost done! I felt some intense tugging but no pain. He was out in like 5 minutes. 8 POUNDS AND 15 OZ my little chunker. If anyone is wondering, the worst part about recovery is getting up for the first time-for me anyways. I did NOT want to get up it hurt so badly. The nurse forced me which made me so mad at the time, but I'm glad she did because after that getting up wasn't as bad and it's still really sore to get up and i start off walking slowly. I was TERRIFIED for labor, and was definitely not expecting to get a c section-but look at that sweet little face, totally worth it. I'm so in love😍😍 
The belly pics are the night before he was due/came!