Home Birth....I did it and he's finally here!

Baby Luke was born October 3. Due September 29th. 
 ontractions started at 2pm. They were around 7 minutes apart. Knowing it could be awhile I put my 2 girls down for a nap and got about 20 minutes rest myself before the contractions started back around every 4 minutes. By 5pm I checked in with my midwife, she asked me if I wanted them to come yet? I told her I was still managing fine and didn't want to make them come too early...thinking we probably still had several hours to go. She reminded me she and my assistant were a 2 hour drive away and she would rather be there longer than miss a birth so I said okay come on. My husband got home around 5:30pm. I asked him to fill up the birth pool and got in as soon as it was ready while he got in the shower to clean up from work. At this point I was pushing with the contractions but don't think I really realized it at first because it was something completely new for me. At 6:19 my water broke and I managed to text hubby who was across the house to get out of the shower because the contractions were very painful at that point and I needed his help. I told him the midwife and assistant were still an hour away and he might be delivering this baby. I don't know exactly when the pushing completely took over but when it did I hated it. There was no break and it was so painful. I just wanted a break in between pushed but my body would not let me rest. He midwife and her assistant got there at 7:08pm. At that point he was crowning. They barely had time to get their gloves on and he was born 3 minutes later. My husband is amazed at how fast my labor went especially since he was only present for the last 1 hour and a half of it. He was totally against home birth before we had Luke. Now when I asked him how he felt about it he still feels hospital birth is safer but said more people should do a home birth if they are simply worried about the pain factor. He said he knows how low my pain tolerance is and I did it. I'd like to also note I was positive for group b strep and declined antibiotics even though my midwife could have administratored them. Based on my allergy history my only option was Vancomycin and I was too afraid of Red Man's Syndrome so I did a hibiclens wash during labor.