today is my due date. is it yours?

As I sit here next to my sleeping husband who just came home from a night shift. I feel scared. And so happy. I'm a nervous reck but I'm trying to keep the bad feelings away. In the next 4 days I will have a baby. Time went by so fast just waiting for this day. My due date. It's so crazy. It feels like yesterday I took that test. I never read so much about a topic then pregnancy, I watched the documentaries, read books. A new life is coming and I'm the one responsible for that life. I will make mistakes but I will learn from them. I'm a first time mom. So I won't be perfect. But no matter what I will always love my little boy with everything in my heart. I will miss the feeling of him just kicking in my belly. Or when he sticks his foot out and I try to push it back in. But one thing I'm glad is that my ribs will finally get some relief!! Lol all the pain I been through in this pregnancy is so worth it. It's beyond worth it. And I will do it again for sure. So today is my due date and I'm sad it's over. From getting up to pee every 20 min to back pain, from trying not to piss on your hand at the doc office, to taking 5 mins just to get up from bed, just talking to my belly. But the one thing I'm looking forward to is his first cry. I can't wait to hear it. It has been an amazing and painful 9 months. And who ever is due on October 7th, we did it mamas. We made it! Now don't be stressed out if you don't give birth today or go into labor. In the next 2 weeks he will be in your arms. Take this time and be happy you made it. 
Also thank you glow for making this experience so much better. I get to wake up and read something new about my baby. It has been a long journey but I will be back again haha. Thank you for letting me communicate with these amazing women who I went to go rant to, told a secret, and asked a bunch of questions to! They were so helpful. And helped me put my mind on ease. 
Now we graduate to glow baby!! Lol ❤️❤️👶🏻👶🏻💙💙