wear your seatbelt!

I need to vent because I'm feeling terrible, please wear your seat belts!! So I'm currently at 31 days until my due date. My husband is a paramedic and today he had the worse call ever. He responded to an accident and it happened to have been a lady who was 9 months pregnant who did not wear her seat belt and ended up dying in the wreck. The baby was still moving so they had to take her to the hospital to try and save the baby, which I have no idea what happend. My husband is a wreck from this call, probably because it hits close to home with me about to pop. I feel so terrible for this little one who I hope makes it, and I'm hoping my hubby can get through this so we can try to enjoy our time before the little one comes. There might have been a different outcome if only she wore her seat belt. Sorry for the vent, needed to get it out somewhere!