RING TEST? Have you done it??


Has anyone else done the "Ring test"? I do believe in this stuff!

I did and it was right! I had my bfs mom, aunt and cousin do it. When I did it on all the men in my house it didn't work.

Me: Boy(brayden)Girl(Haley)and it stopped at 3 saying my next will be a boy. We have always said we wanted 3 and our last to be a boy.

My Aunt: Boy(johnny)Girl(taylor)and it stopped.

My Cousin: She is 18 weeks pregnant but it said was was gonna have one and it will be a boy. She always said she wanted one and a boy.

My BF'S mom: Boy(my bf)Boy(his brother)and it stopped.

My Aunt's friend did it and she has 5 kids. Girl, Girl, Girl, Girl and she is pregnant with a boy and it was right for her!!


*Take a long piece of your hair and any ring you tie the hair on the ring.

*Put your left hand palm down on any flat surface, you start at your pinky and you trace your hand going back ending at your pinky(don't let it touch your hand)

*Then you hold it above your hand and if it circle's it's a boy, if it goes side to side it's a girl. You Keep going till it doesn't do anything.

The point of it is too tell you the gender of the kids you already have and how many/gender of your future kids.

Try it and comment if it was right and if you believe in this stuff!