
I have seen a lot of women who post on here and talk about how they take well care of their husbands. For example, iron their clothes, cook for them everyday, wash for them etc. and while I think this is great, it makes me feel some type of way. A lot of these women are stay at home moms. Not saying working women don't do this bc I'm sure you all do as well. I have a part time job and my husband is a contractor. Although I only have a part time job, im busy most of the time. I don't always have time to cook or wash his clothes. We wash our clothes together. I do clean up everyday if I have time. Although I wish I could do this everyday, my husband never talks crap about the fact that I don't. I know he works long hours and is stressed all the time but I'm busy as well and on top of that I'm pregnant. I'm tired myself. He tells me himself to sit down and relax when I try and do something. Am I wrong for not doing what a "women is suppose to do" every single day?