Women aren't always good parents.

I wish that wasn't the general thinking on it. My old bitch accused me of molesting my own daughter and I haven't been able to see her in months. She wanted a new car and I got her one. She wanted a devorce and I got her one. I gave her everying so it would be less of a problem for our kid and she wouldn't be so exposed to the fighting. That wasn't enough. She accused me of touching my 4 YEAR OLD child! What twisted fuck does that? Why? Probably because she hits her too hard and has a temper worse than a mad bull. Why not accuse me of shit before I report her I guess? So I guess the moral is if your gf or bf or spouse or whatever is hitting kids or anyone else I guess don't talk to them about it just report them immediately without second chances.

I know I'm fucking ranting but this picture makes it all blow up inside my head again and it was in my fb thread. How can you abuse someone who can't eveb defend themself? Idc if it's a dog or a baby or someone smaller than you. In my exs case how do you live with yourself beating your daughter then getting rid of the person that actually cares? Fuck! Why?