Sunny Side Up Baby is here!!

Brittany • Baby Girl Due August 6, 2020 Leianna Grace - 10/6/16 - 7lb5oz - 20in Angel Baby 7/19/15
I had my 41week appt on Tuesday 10/4 and my midwife said that even tho my fluids are fine that they were gonna schedule me for induction so I dont hit 42 weeks. Wednesday at 430pm I went in for Cervidil. At 6am Thursday it was time for Pitocin. Around lunch time I was in so much pain I wanted to give up. She said my doctor would be in soon to break my water and that if Im doing the epidural that we needed to get rolling on it. So we did. I feel like I had 3 of them. The first one failed. The 2nd one came out when they had me lay down (it soaked my back) and then I got my 3rd one. He came in and broke my water and there was Merconium :( also, she wasn't dropping into the canal (because she was sunny side up.) Doctor said with the size of my pelvis that she will NOT fit vaginally and that I can keep trying or we can go in at 930pm and it'll be an emergency. I bawled cuz I felt like a failure. I didn't even want pain meds but I got an epidural and now a damn c-section!! They took me down to the OR and I had my beautiful baby girl at 41W2D at 3:22PM, Thursday 10/6.