BF vs Formula: Sleeping Through the Night

No judgement to anyone on how they choose to feed their baby - just a note on how relieved I feel to have finally introduced formula!
My LO is 11 weeks and has been EBF the entire time. Her night sleep was average, ~5-6 hours at the longest stretch. 
Last night I decided to try formula with her for the first time.  I have been wanting to for a while... But felt really (irrationally) guilty about it for some reason.  I don't NEED to introduce formula, my supply is fine and she is gaining weight like a champ.  By all accounts breastfeeding seems to be working... I just don't really like it all the time.  I even discussed my guilt with her pediatrician who recommended Gerber Good Start and told me to not be so hard on myself.  So I finally decided to just try it and see. 
Not only did my LO love it, not only did it decrease her copious spitting up episodes after feeding, but she slept for 9 straight hours last night.  And I feel an immense sense of relief that I don't have to be the sole provider of nutrition for my LO if I ever decide that I don't want to.  
I am just sharing in case there is anyone else out there like me who has been wondering about this and worrying about introducing formula.  I'm so happy I did.